Our Story

Dr Amanda and Dr Heather met at the RSPCA NSW working together as behaviour vets to help shelter animals with behavioural issues. During this time we were made acutely aware of the crippling effect mental health disorders have on pets and their human families.

So we decided to form the Vet Behaviour Team in 2014 to help families and their pets remain united, happy and healthy for as long as possible.

We are pleased to have Dr Caitlin McQuarrie join us in 2023. We have all passed our Memberships in Veterinary Behavioural Medicine and completed the Postgraduate Sydney University course in Veterinary Behaviour.

Dr Heather Chee was Secretary/Treasurer of the Veterinary Behaviour Chapter of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists, been an examiner for the Veterinary Behaviour Memberships and served on the Australian Veterinary Palliative Care Advisory Council.

Dr Amanda Cole has served as President Elect of the Australian Veterinary Behaviour Interest Group.

Our Team